Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feet Frenzy!

   We often throw on an old pair of flip flops or torn apart Toms. We walk, we climb, we trip. Let's face it: we abuse our feet. Why not give your feet a little extra attention with these crafts?

First is this adorable bath mat cover by Green PB&Js. Treat your feet after a warm shower with this easy to make, easy to clean treasure!

After you've had your warm shower, dress your feet in style in vintage-inspired shoes. Can't find saddle oxfords? No worries here. The ever-creative Wilma gives great instructions on how to paint your own shoes in a vintage style! She has a number of other cute crafts on her site By Wilma. I'm definitely trying this on a pair of shoes to use while Lindy hopping!

diy vintage painted shoes

And now it's time for bed so I can get off on the right foot tomorrow for clinicals. Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reminisce Recreations: DIY for the sentimental pack rat

   I have so many random pieces of ribbon, scraps, buttons, and broken jewelry from gifts and wrappings collected over time. They clutter my room as I stuff them into old boxes, gifted cups, cute product packages... what can I say? I'm a sentimental creature- or, as my mother delicately puts it, a pack rat.

   We all have this problem to a degree, I bet. Crafters see the use in everything, the endless possibilities. To some people, a soup can is garbage; to a crafter, it is a world of opportunity. For us sentimental ladies with a whimsical, folksy side, it is difficult to throw anything away. However, grandiose dreams of kitschy decorations result in a stored away pile of wasted trinkets in the corner of the craft room. Some people may go so far as to call it 'junk'. My mother sighs to see my pile of wool downstairs and my pile of half-finished sewing projects upstairs in her house. I keep praying this summer opens up enough time to diminish the size of the sewing pile considerably!

This evening, I came across a wonderful website by a lovely blogger rookno17. Whoever they may be, they are a crafter of my own heart! They have brilliant uses for the scraps and trinkets we pack rats keep tucked away. So today I provided the links to a couple of their projects: Lace crowns and crystal family photo pendants. Enjoy!

*Also, look soon for a great way to make a (non)slip-cover for a bathmat coming soon from Jess of Green PB&Js!

Monday, March 18, 2013

First post and spoons.

Nursing school leaves no time for crafting shenanigans. How often have you seen a nursing student say, "Oh yes, I'm studying for my pharmacology exam while fashioning summer dresses out of vintage tablecloths"? Probably never- but then again I haven't really heard of a tablecloth dress. A bedsheet? Yes. Tablecloth.... not so much. It really is a tragedy, this lack of time for crafting.

That said, hello! I'm Molly, the wannabe-crafter. Hope you enjoy what will hopefully grow into a blog that shares my love of crafts, vintage, sewing, and whatever else I feel like putting up :) There may also be occasions when I indulge in sharing my "Ooh, shiny!" moments.

This is my first new project to try. So creative! I wonder if you could somehow ombre the petals? Link here:
