Monday, March 18, 2013

First post and spoons.

Nursing school leaves no time for crafting shenanigans. How often have you seen a nursing student say, "Oh yes, I'm studying for my pharmacology exam while fashioning summer dresses out of vintage tablecloths"? Probably never- but then again I haven't really heard of a tablecloth dress. A bedsheet? Yes. Tablecloth.... not so much. It really is a tragedy, this lack of time for crafting.

That said, hello! I'm Molly, the wannabe-crafter. Hope you enjoy what will hopefully grow into a blog that shares my love of crafts, vintage, sewing, and whatever else I feel like putting up :) There may also be occasions when I indulge in sharing my "Ooh, shiny!" moments.

This is my first new project to try. So creative! I wonder if you could somehow ombre the petals? Link here:



  1. Glad to see more people I know crafting!! Follow me back! :D

  2. Jess! Hi, love! I will definitely follow you back as soon as I figure out how to :p
